Derek Greene

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Dr. Derek Greene is Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, and a Funded Investigator at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics. He has over 20 years' experience in the field of machine learning, with a PhD in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin, and over 100 papers presented at conferences and published in journals. He currently leads a research group which focuses on the development of machine learning, network analysis, and information retrieval algorithms. He is involved in a range of interdisciplinary projects in cultural analytics, smart agriculture, and political science. He is also Co-Lead of the ERC Advanced VICTEUR project.

Current Research Interests:

  • Network analysis: Development of large-scale matrix analysis and community finding algorithms to complex, dynamic networks.
  • Natural language processing: Development and application of techniques for working with text data, including work involving topic modeling, text classification, and embedded representations.
  • Cultural analytics: Developing algorithms and tools to support the analysis and interpretation of archives from the humanities, with a particular focus on literary corpora.
  • Explainable AI: Developing and understanding approaches to explain the outputs of opaque black-box machine learning systems. Cluster analysis: Unsupervised and semi-supervised techniques for grouping data in a range of different contexts.


Selected Projects:

  • SDG_EU: IRC COALESCE project to track the influence of the sustainable development goals on EU policymaking.
  • VICTEUR: ERC-funded project to develop computational methods to explore the role of European Migrants in Victorian and Neo-Victorian Culture.
  • Novel Analytics: Provides a range of resources to support teachers and students in the Irish second level Computer Science curriculum.
  • Contagion: IRC-funded project looking at large scale historical datasets to understand contemporary attitudes and improve public health outcomes.
  • Nation, Genre & Gender: IRC-funded project to develop methods for the comparative social network analysis of Irish and British fiction, 1800-1922.
  • ECHOES: Associated Partner on HORIZON Europe project to create a Collaborative European Cloud for Cultural Heritage.
  • CASCADE: Associated Partner on HORIZON MSCA Doctoral Network in text and cultural analytics.

Selected Activities:

  • Co-Lead, Insight Cultural Analytics Platform Research Initiative (2020-)
  • Action Editor, Springer Machine Learning journal (2020-2024)
  • Treasurer, Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AIAI) (2017-)
  • Programme Committee, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (2023)
  • Programme Committee, 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2023)
  • Programme Committee, 9th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (2023)
  • Organising Committee, International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data (2022)
  • Deputy Chair, UCD Research Ethics Committee for Sciences (2020-2022)
  • Associate Editor, Elsevier Journal of Machine Learning with Applications (2020-2021)
  • Senior Programme Committee, ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (2020)
  • Guest Editorial Board member, Springer Machine Learning journal (2020)
  • Guest Editorial Board member, Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal (2020)
  • Organising Committee, Insight Workshop on Trustworthy AI (2020)
  • Journal Track Co-Chair, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (2018)
  • Member of Ireland ACM SIGCSE Chapter (2019-)
  • Co-organiser, Quantitative Text Analysis Dublin Workshop (2019)
  • Guest Editor, Springer Machine Learning journal (2018)
  • Guest Editor, Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal (2018)
  • Member of RIA Ethical and Legal Aspects of Informatics Research Expert Working Group (2018)
  • Member of Workshop on Irish-German/Fraunhofer Cooperation in Precision Agriculture (2018)
  • Co-chair, 1st Irish Workshop on Effective Large Scale Computing for Big Data Analytics (2014)
  • Co-chair, 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media - ICWSM (2012)
  • Program committee member for a range of international conferences in machine learning and data mining, including AAAI, WebConf, IJCAI, ICWSM, ACM CIKM, ACM RecSys, ICDM, ECML/PKDD, and ICML
  • Reviewer for a range of journals and international conferences, including NeurIPS, ARR, ESWA, InfoVis, PacificVis, AISTATS, Bioinformatics, and AI Review